Bartosz Chmielnicki is a medical doctor, practicing and teaching acupuncture since 2004. In 2008, he opened his own Chinese Medicine clinic in Katowice, soon followed by the Academy of Acupuncture. In 2017, he initiated a new educational project – Acuart International School of Classical Acupuncture, which educates effective acupuncturists all over Poland. With great enthusiasm, he shares his knowledge by lecturing at numerous international conferences as well as in schools in Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Israel.
In 2014, he initiated the Evidence Based Acupuncture project presenting the state of scientific research on acupuncture, and since 2011, together with Dr. Rani Ayal and Yair Maimon, he has been working on the project Straight to the Point – a study of acupuncture points.
He is the author of the textbook 'My Acupuncture Book', numerous posters and educational aids, as well as the free online game TrainYi.